Welcome to Nova Packaging
We are manufacturers of printed folding cartons & packaging







What We Produce
Printed Cartons
Packaging Sleeves
Gift Card Wallets
Shelf Ready Packaging
Pillow Packs
Rigid Presentation Boxes
Fully integrated pre-press to press solution
Heidelberg Speedmaster CD74 (5 colour + Anilox Coater)
In addition, our press has a CP2000 Axis Control Unit, which scans the colour bar on the press sheet and immediately corrects the density weights of all Process and/or Spot colours to the correct levels.

Customer satisfaction
is key to the Nova Packaging business model
We pride ourselves on being able to increase our customer base by recommendation rather than by employing a dedicated sales team. During these recent extremely challenging times that we all have all found ourselves competing in, our regular customer base has continued to remain loyal and committed to us, as we are also to them. We have remained fully operational throughout this period, offering the same level of service and quality that our customers have become accustomed to.